Our Services
We maintain our clients' confidentiality. We don't talk about them.
We prefer if they talk about us.

What a waste !
Waste management, circular economy, recycling!
We spend a lot of time working on solutions to avoid waste ending up in the environment or landfills.
We prefer simple solutions, ideas the involve the community and that change behaviors in the long-term.
So much hot air !
Climate change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions!
We help clients understand their emission footprint and identify suitable actions to reduce their GHG emissions. We don't do the work for you. We do it with you and build your teams capabilities.

See the forest for the trees!
Sustainable forestry and land-use, REDD+, LULUCF, AFOLU, nature based solutions, NBS. Whatever you name it.
We have worked in the Malaysian land-use sector for more than 10 years and understand the complexity of GHG emissions from land-use.